الأحد، 30 سبتمبر 2018
11:40 م

وظائف للمصريين مطلوب "FULL-STACK DEVELOPER" للعمل براتب مجزى Jobs Egypt wazeef job vacancies فرص عمل وشواغر اليوم

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وظائف خالية للمصريين مطلوب "FULL-STACK DEVELOPER" للعمل Jobs in Egypt Job Details : وظائف خالية بمصر مطلوب "FULL-STACK DEVELOPER" للعمل براتب مجزى Jobs in Egypt


Full-stack developers will have a range of responsibilities from shaping and implementing digital products to ensuring that we stay on the leading edge of technology
Our developers contribute across the full technology stack, from database and DevOps infrastructure that supports continuous deployment, over native apps, to front end development
As a full-stack developer you will work in a cross-functional team with the Product Owner, Designers and Lead Developer to co-develop the digital products


  • Use Agile engineering practices and various software and web/mobile development technologies to rapidly develop creative and efficient solutions that enhance the client customer and employee experience

  • Collaborate with other team members to craft clear user stories, design tests for prototypes and products, and continuously deliver product enhancements

  • Communicate with IT teams about any digital innovations that are tying into bedrock IT systems

  • Communicate with business stakeholders about Agile processes to set and manage expectations about delivery methods and timelines

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-10-01
Job Role: Information Technology
Company Industry: Shipping

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Degree: Bachelor's degree

 Jobs in Egypt وظائف مصر

Apply for the job" FULL-STACK DEVELOPER" Click here

وظائف للمصريين مطلوب "FULL-STACK DEVELOPER" للعمل براتب مجزى Jobs Egypt
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وظائف للمصريين مطلوب "FULL-STACK DEVELOPER" للعمل براتب مجزى Jobs Egypt
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